Monday, July 28, 2008

The Invasion...

The kids have arrived and have been lots of fun. There are several boys that speak English really well which has been a real blessing. Yesterday we were walking back from lunch and one kid told me that girl's couldn't hear what he was talking about. Turns out he has two girlfriends and he was trying to give another kid some advice. I asked if the advice was good and I was told no. So far the kids have been entertaining. One of the kids is a ping-pong champion, something like 30 games and no one has beat him. He didn't like the action picture I took so he posed for a picture, and this is what he said capture the true form of the table tennis champion. (By the way this is the same kid that received the girl advice.) He told me that when he gets to the U.S. Open he will send me tickets.

The camp dog... shy (not the French spelling of course).

Two more views from the Chalet...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey MIchelle how's it going? Looks like you have acclimated well. Isn't that view unbelievable? Hope all is well! If you have any questions you need fueled from my kids about protocols etc... there, let me know! Enjoying the ability to keep up with the camp thru your blogging. Take care!
