Saturday, July 26, 2008

A walk about...

Today, Saturday, has been a slow day, the kids have left and there is silence. It has been a good kind of silence, restful and thought provoking. At one point the silence was about to overcome me and send me into an unconscious state, so I picked up my camera and went for a walk. It's been a dreary day with intermittent rain showers, just enough time for me to get a good walk in.

I walked up the hill to the left of the Chalet and got another view of Montreux. I don't know if this provides enough perspective of the walk that I did yesterday. My calves are certainly feeling the effects today.

Another view of Montreux further up the mountain.

The houses clustered between the mountains is amazing. I can't help but wonder what the people living in these houses do for income. I see a lot of Mercedes, Ferrari's, and other expensive vehicles driving around.

I zoomed in on the distant hill in the previous picture to get a closer look at this house. It really pops off the landscape. Maybe on a clearer day I can get a better view.

This is the quintessential picture of Switzerland, a chalet perched in the Alps. If you ever have the opportunity I highly recommend at least a train ride through the Swiss countryside. The views are spectacular. On one of my train rides I met a family from India traveling through Switzerland to drop their son off at college. The mother and I struck up a conversation, she shared a lot with me during our brief encounter. As we were getting further into the "remote" areas of Switzerland she commented on how boring she found Switzerland. I guess we all have our definitions of excitement and boredom, I know someone that finds butchering animals exciting for which I definitely don't share the same sentiments. I'm finding Switzerland to be a refreshing change of pace. I'm almost certain an extended period in this pace would change my view to boredom as well, however I think there is something to be said for entering a different rhythm of life once in a while.

1 comment:

dzlisag said...

Boredom? In Switzerland? Apparently that poor woman never spent any time on the hill disassembling chachkis.

Looks like you're in heaven to me.
