Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another round...

Here we go again, the second round of children arrived today. I have 9 girls ranging in age from 7 to 15 years old. The 7 year old is going to have all of us wrapped around her finger, she is beyond adorable. She asked me if she wakes up in the middle of the night if she could come into my bedroom, even if I'm snoring. I couldn't resist the request, hopefully it won't be needed though!! It's a diverse group of girls, but there are a few that I think I'm going to really like (I don't care what teacher's say, it's hard not to have favorites!). Thankfully this week we are taking the children on 3 excursions, which I think is going to be perfect for the amount of children that we have. I also enjoy the excursions because it gets me off the mountain (that's right even on the mountain top you need to have a change of scenery once in a while).

Before the kids arrive I went for a quick walk, it was such a clear day that I could see for miles (kilometers). I wish it would have been clearer yesterday when I had free time, because I have been wanting to climb to the top of a mountain next to Rochers de Naye where I'm told you can see mountain peaks for miles. Oh well maybe another day!

I caught a jumper from the beginning, it was really cool to see him run down the mountain about 50 yards from me.

Then he quickly sailed away over the lake. What an amazing view that must be perched over the lake with mountains surrounding you.

The last two pictures are looking down on Montreux and in the distance Lausanne. These are some of the towns that had fireworks the other night. Just imagine this view at night with fireworks shooting up everywhere... magnificent.

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