Saturday, August 09, 2008

Solo hike

I decided to head up the mountain today and try to get a better view of the surrounding snow caps and the valleys beyond. This next picture is from Caux which sits at 1050m or 3,444 feet and I walked just to the left of the chimney of the brown house in this picture.

All of the signs are in time estimates, but I'm not sure who's pace they are using, definitely not mine. This is was one of the stations along the way, the panoramic view train makes its way from Montreux to Rochers de Naye. I stand corrected on the type of train that I took from Montreux, I was calling it a funicular train but it's actually a cog train.

There are jumpers all the time here. I didn't see anyone take off but I did hear a couple of "whoo's" along the way. The town along the water is Montreux.

The knob in the middle of the picture is Caux, my starting point.

Another view of Lake Geneva and Montreux.

The jutting mountain in the middle of the pictures is called Dent de Jaman.

This cow tried to rush me when I was going to take it's picture. So I quickly headed away from it and took the picture when it wasn't looking!

I made it to this point, Chamossale at 1612m or 5,288 feet and had to decide which way to go. Earlier in my trek I ran into a family from Copenhagen that are staying in Caux and they said there was a restaurant not too far away. I asked which way I should go and they just said up.

The sign in the picture above in at the building in this picture. I should have referenced my pictures to pick my route, but I didn't and ended up going to the right of the building.

This picture was taken from Caux and I zoomed in on the area that I had hiked to. It's amazing how much clear the mountains get the higher you climb.

This mountain is Rochers de Naye and I hiked on the left of this picture by the pine trees.

Here is where I stopped for a point of decision... continue and face certain peril or return without rolling down the hill. It was really steep and I was getting nervous because somehow the trail just stopped and I was free climbing, but not really sure where I was heading.

This is what lay before me and I just didn't think it was a good idea to continue. I don't know if the pine trees give a good idea of the slope of the hill, but trust me it was steep. I had to use the grasses as ropes to pull me up.

A view looking to the right of Lake Geneva.
This picture was taken by the Copenhagen family.

Another view along the way. There were chalets scattered on the mountain.

The top of Rochers de Naye... maybe I should take the train next time!


Anonymous said...

you're right...i should have been along with you :)

Anonymous said...

UR a NUT! hauling yourself up by the GRASSES!!! :D u make me LAUGH!!!
