This fall I will travel to St Albain, France to work at the Le Chateau de Saint Albain. The Chateau is owned by the Grace Brethren Missions Board, and operated by a missionary couple orginially from Lancaster County. I will be aiding them in the daily operation of the Chateau. For more details on the Chateau visit www.chateaustalbain.com
I will be updating this site throughout my time in France and keeping you informed about my adventures. Because if you know me... there is always a story!!
We're praying for you, Aunt Michelle! Specifically that you can share Christ's love with all those you come in contact with. Can we go along with you and tour the castle?...that would be really cool!!
We love you,
Joshua, Caleb and Nathan
i look froward to reading all about your journey in France. what an exciting oppurtunity for you.
This is awesome! I want my own blog! I am really jealous (I know, I shouldn't say jealous) of this opportunity of yours considering I took four years of French in high school. Do you want to put me in your suit case? We will be praying for you and thinking of you all the time. I love that we will be able to read about what you are doing. You are so savvy! Love you, Mid!!!
Thanks for including Mikel, Cecelia and I in your current adventure! Of course our prayers are with you, and we hope to support you financially too! Please update your blog whenever you can; and I pray you don't have as many problems as I do!!! ;) Love you girl.....
anita (fellow flypaper escapee)
Just checking to see where in the world you might be!!
I miss you already!!!!
Turkey Hill isn't the same without our girl!
Be safe!
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