I've decided that this blog needs to be a little more interactive, so I've come up with a little contest. The Peugeot that we have been given to drive around while we're in France is in desperate need of a name. Here's where this gets interactive, you can submit a name for the car! Simply place your suggestion in the "comments" section at the bottom of this post. (Note: If you don't have a sign-on you can enter anonymously and then leave your name at the bottom of your comment.) The winning entry will receive an all expense paid trip to their mailbox, where they will find a postcard from France! (No lawyers or attorneys have been hired to oversee the official rules of this contest, so everything is subject to my interpretation and financial feasibility!)

Let the naming begin!
hey love yah tons! haha! nice car! haha! umm.. a good name for the car should be....Crista.. haha!! well either way i no that your going to send me a postcard. peace out!
Dad and I are going together on naming your car. We picked French words which are more fitting and will be understood by the locals. "Petit Mulet" -- Borrowing a name from an old movie and if you guess the movie you get something from the US.
Dad and Mom
Pierre Peugeot!!
In line with your parents, I vote for "pas possible!" (literally "not possible," but means more "I can't believe this is happening to me!" and is usually accompanied by throwing one's hands into the air, shaking one's head violently, and looking around for random bystanders to sympathize with your frantic raving about how the whole world seems stacked against you, that's it's really you the innocent victim here, and the fact that you're driving quite a beat-up, over 20-year old car has nothing to do with the fact that it won't start in the dead of winter at 10 below)!
Bonne route!
OK Aunt Michelle,
Here are out votes...
Joshua votes for Fred.
Caleb votes for Thomas.
Nathan votes for Lightning McQueen.
We love you,
Your three nephews
Oh, by the way, we saw pictures of our new baby brother or sister yesterday. Maybe we will post them on the blog and have a naming contest for the new baby!!!
Great blog! How about Clouseau? As in the great Inspector Clouseau. It seems like the kind of car he'd drive. Just watch out for a Chinese servant jumping out of the glove compartment and trying to kill you.
Call it "Elvis" - Kim Kelley
Believe it or not (best to NOT) I drove in one of these to my high school garduation. Alex, What is a 1983 "VW GOLF" prototype. We Americans LOVE dumb trivia.
I think you could get some t.v. air time if you name the car "Stephen Colbert" (as in the host of the Stephen Colbert Show on Comedy Central). He has been trying to get a bridge in Hungary named after him. Perhaps he will settle for a Peugeot in France?!? Jen Fredick
call it PJ as in "marlin's Pride and Joy"
did he tell you how the headlamp fell out while we were driving it? We drove it a total of 3 times last year. Once to the recycling (in saint albain), and twice into macon when marlin came in january and was using the other car that we normally used. Anyway, we were just driving through macon, and the headlight fell out, and shattered across the road. We didn't hit a bumb, make a turn, or anything. It just fell out. I told marlin about it, and he said "Oh yeah, one time I hit the breaks and it fell out and slid across the road too"
Anyway, have fun with that car :) We had enough fun just with their "good" car.
- jay hocking
"Shasta"! :D
I call it....."Red's Challenge"... a little duck-tape anyone??? Do they have this great fix-it-all in France??
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