Here is a quick update on the events of the past few weeks. I was in Buffalo last weekend and attended the Bills vs Browns game. Turkey Hill was sponsoring a competition between two families during halftime, so I got to go down on the field and watch part of the game and then onto the field for halftime. Definitely an experience I won't forget.

This weekend I'm back in Buffalo for a Wing Fest. Then I'm heading to NYC for a Jets event with some former players. I will be running around the city for 4 days. I'm always up for an excuse to be in the city. I'll try to get some pictures with the former Jets players for any of the fans out there. I definitely have had some unique experiences lately. Keep checking back for more updates and hopefully some crazy stories.
I think I'm jealous you're in NYC! You've been away so much lately, but it still hasn't sunk in that you're leaving soon. I'm going to miss you!! I may cry, but I may also be emtionless...I guess we'll see when the day comes! I love you and I know God is going to do some awesome things in France!
We will be praying for you and will miss you! You will have an amazing "journey," and I look forward to reading all about your adventures (and living a lttle bit vicariously through you).
Best wishes for safe travel and fruitful experiences. love
Aunt Sheila
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