Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Rising to new heights...

On top of the mountain they have large nets set up to capture birds for studying purposes.

Here the guy is tagging the bird so they can track their migration.

All of the cows must wear bells so the farmer can locate them. The sound followed us on our hike.

We hiked on a road which the kids liked much better than last week's rock hill.

Blueberry bushes lined the path as we ascended the mountain. The kids all had purple hands from picking blueberries. Beautiful scenery, wildflowers everywhere, and a snack provided by nature, it really doesn't get much better.

They couldn't help themselves... picking berries all of the time!

A few of us took a 20 minute hike to this overlook at 5700 feet. The views were spectacular, I'm afraid the pictures just don't do it justice.
A snow bowl in the middle of the picture.
Again it just doesn't look real when you add a person to the picture.
On a clear day we would have been able to see Mt. Blanc in France. The view was incredible despite the cloudy day. If anyone needs a hiking guide for your vacation in Switzerland I can personally take you to all of the hot spots in this region. It really wouldn't be a problem:-)

1 comment:

The Dellers said...

Aunt Michelle,

We miss you, too. We are counting down the days. We have been praying for you. We would love to go hiking with you someday in Switzerland. How cool would that be?

We love you!