You may be wondering what these two have in common, I'll tell you... lunch. That's right we had another glorious hike and a lunch that we helped prepare while on the mountain. Fabienne showed us how to take witch hazel and make it into a delicious soup. First we stopped by a farm where they made goat cheese. The farm was situated right in the valley and the cows grazing area was literally on the side of the mountain. I'm not sure the goat cheese making process was FDA approved, but interesting nonetheless.
After the lesson in cheese making we headed back up the mountain to a little cabin along the path. The cabin was owned by Fabienne's brother-in-law and was about 12 feet x 12 feet. This is where the soup making began. We put plastic gloves on and started picking witch hazel leafs. The leaves were rinsed, cooked, and blended with a few other ingredients for a great tasting lunch. The entire day was spectacular. After lunch we strolled up the mountain for a 2 + hour hike. All of these hikes are helping me to put this area into perspective, and aerial view would help tremendously.
Col de Jaman or Collar of Jaman

These bells are given to the farmer each year when the bring the cows up from Caux to the mountains, as a parade of sorts I guess.
This is the farmer preparing the goat cheese.

After the lesson in cheese making we headed back up the mountain to a little cabin along the path. The cabin was owned by Fabienne's brother-in-law and was about 12 feet x 12 feet. This is where the soup making began. We put plastic gloves on and started picking witch hazel leafs. The leaves were rinsed, cooked, and blended with a few other ingredients for a great tasting lunch. The entire day was spectacular. After lunch we strolled up the mountain for a 2 + hour hike. All of these hikes are helping me to put this area into perspective, and aerial view would help tremendously.
1 comment:
The 7th pic down, right below the guy preparing the Goat Cheese, is the GOAT preparing the Goat Cheese! :)
We ate Tarantula Cheese in Peru! Ew! jk!
ps- yer car says "hi!"
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