For those of you interested in the stupid moments that seem to find me, I thought I wouldn't disappoint... and share a few of these moments with you.
Attack of the Radiator
Below is a picture of the long hallway in the gate house that I'm living in. Well, as you can see there is a radiator pictured on the left of the hallway. The control for the radiator is conveniently placed on the top left corner.
Attack of the Radiator
Below is a picture of the long hallway in the gate house that I'm living in. Well, as you can see there is a radiator pictured on the left of the hallway. The control for the radiator is conveniently placed on the top left corner.

Taking flight
Below is a picture of the "plonge," the area where we wash the dishes. Tonight I was entering this area and well, my feet didn't quite make the step.

I had pretty good speed entering the dish room, which made the stumble that much more spectacular! I finally regained composure at the black trash can pictured above, a good 5 feet into the room. So, to make the event seem somewhat "planned" I went for the gymnast finish, arms straight up and body perfectly aligned. There were several witnesses to this event and they proceeded to rate my performance. I received a 7.5 and an 8.5. I was a little disppointed with the score from the American judge, I think he was trying to appear impartial.
That concludes this episode of "Typical Michelle Moments." Stay tuned as I'm sure there will be more.
M, WHoo-whoo!!! You look MAH-velous, DAH-ling! ;p
NICE bruises!!! That is SOOO you (and also me, which is why you make me laugh! :D )
ps- I think it is sad that you have Photshopped yourself into all those beautiful backdrops! Get a life!!!
pss- when you go to Switzerland, go to Interlachen if possible. It is AMAZING, but then, so is most of Switzerland!!!
psssssss- LWA has a half day next Tuesday, so I'm gonna buzz over for a quick visit. Voulez-vous mangez au pain avec moi? ;p -m
Ahh, Michelle.. reading your blog is so refreshing as I'm sitting here at my desk 'on the hill'. Thanks for all the anecdotes, stories and your inspiration.
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