Thursday, January 08, 2009

On the hunt...

I haven't been keeping up with the blog as well as I do when I'm out of the country. This is partly due to the lack of things to write about (not too exciting that I did laundry, got gas in the car, or rotated the couch cushions) and I just don't have the same need to communicate like I do when I'm away from home. I've decided I need to work on this, because there are stories that need to be written.

Holiday travels:
Just before Christmas I headed to Florida for a quick trip with my aunt for her birthday. It was a nice break from the cold, you can't go wrong sitting by the pool in 80 degree weather in December. I also got to visit my former home, Lakeland, for a brief 24-hour visit. It was nice to catch up with a few people.

Not a bad water feature. I'm thinking about adding one in my backyard.

My cousin, Danielle, and I on our discovery walk around the resort.

Here is a picture of my traveling companions... so much for trying to get in the picture, I couldn't even manage to get my eyes open in time.

We visited a botanical gardens in Orlando. I captured some good butterfly shots, if I do say so myself.

Christmas 2008
Back in PA, the Christmas celebrations were kicked off on Christmas Eve with a church service and the annual dinner at Michelle's house. This year I tried to keep it simple with a great pulled bbq chicken recipe, you know it's good when dad goes back for seconds.

On Christmas day we always get together with my mom's side. Here are some candid shots from the crazy fun!

MomMom opening up her gift stash. Laura, Crista, and I got her The Thin Man series... if you don't know what that is you are missing out on truly l

Right back at ya babe!

Nice profile!

Aunt Bessie celebrating her 97th Christmas... just think what those gifts must have been like in the early years.

The three uncles, I can't say any more.

For the last three years my dad's family has been doing a scavenger hunt around the Brownstown area as part of our Christmas celebrating. Here is my team posing for one of the scavenger shots. Next year Laura and I are planning the hunt... let's just say it's going to be fun! I have already been putting together my plans:-) On the Sunday after Christmas you may want to stear clear of the area, because there will be 70 of my relatives driving around like crazy people!

The New Year
On the Monday before New Year's day I gave a friend of mine a ride to NYC. I spent the days leading up to New Year's day wandering around the city, lots of fun! I stayed away from Times Square, which is just craziness. After the magic hour, I decided to drive home to avoid the traffic; I pulled into my parking space at 5am. Nice way to bring in the '09 year.

1 comment:

Amy M said...

i don't know your uncles but they look AWESOME.