Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There is nothing like having a birthday or a little ache after an intense game of Wii to make you feel the effects of the aging process. I remember in the early years longing to be older... to ride my bike around the block, to go to the movies with friends and no parents, to ride the big roller coaster, to get my driver's license, to go to college, and on the list went. Then, somewhere in my twenties the desire to get "older" faded. The rush to get to the next rite of passage was gone, no need to conquer the age barrier.

Now in my thirties, not only has the desire to age completely disappeared, but it's turned into a desire to savor every moment of the current age. In fact, getting older means that there will be things I can't do, and that is something I'm not ready to fully embrace. Of course, those reading this that are further down the road will scoff at my finding limitations at the ripe old age of 34. Nonetheless this is a reality we all have to deal with eventually.

Maybe this aging thought is heightened because I'm childless, and that ability definitely has an age limit, or perhaps its because every time I play the Wii I get sore. Today I spent the day with my great aunt as she transitioned to her new home in a skilled care facility. At 96 years old, it's not the home she ever desired for herself, nor does she completely remember from moment to moment why the new home is necessary, but alas the cannot do list has grown.

When the physical therapist told Aunt Bessie that she needed to do exercises, Aunt Bessie replied with, "I'm too old to need exercise, there is nothing you can do to make me better." I'm not sure if this exchange provides hope because there will always be people along the way to keep pushing me to make sure the cannot do list doesn't over take me... or if it's a testament that one day I will be okay with the cannot do list. Aunt Bessie did have to go to physical therapy twice today.

The past few weeks have been a reminder to me to make the most of every day, not only because time rushes by, but because when the "cannots" take over I want to have something interesting to look back on. So here is to creating memories and living a life worthy of reflection!

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